Friday, July 16, 2010

Ze Dress in all its Altered Glory!

I had a little bit of a hard time with this since I gained a bit too much "happy" weight since a year and a half ago when I bought the dress. My whole goal was to start going to the gym beginning sometime in March to start getting in shape, but that didn't take. I blame a lot of it on stress from the massive accounting project (I had no idea was going to take so long or be so difficult) and started consuming about a fifth of rum a week and stress snacking for the two months I was working on the damn thing. It took almost a week to recover from this before I started a summer business law class that also had a large group project that took more time than expected.

Overall, I failed to go to the gym like I planned, but I did join up with the Rolling Hills Derby Dames in an attempt to make friends, get some exercise and learn a new sport. Granted it had been a while since I had been on quads and I'm a bit klutzy, but it is a great workout and the gals are fun. This has finally gotten me motivated to go to the gym with my fiancee (who's been going regularly for over a month) because I've been quite pissed at myself for getting so out of shape. Hopefully I'll be able to at least shed 5lbs before my wedding date so I don't look too chubby in my dress.

With that, my first fitting in late May was really disappointing because I knew that I had gotten fat, I just didn't know if I had gotten too fat to let the dress out without damaging the dress. At this time the David's Bridal seamstress and I had decided that we would stick with changing the neckline from straight across to a sweetheart and put in the bustling since I had a goal to loose some weight.

The second fitting came at the end of June and I still hadn't made any progress. I had expected this and thought that putting in a corset backing would help. The seamstress was very kind, pinned in the concept for me, and viola the dress finally felt like it fit and I could breathe again. Once again the dress went into alterations and stayed out of my closet which made me a little upset but I knew that it would eventually be in my possession.

This last Wednesday I got my dress back and couldn't be happier! The corset ribbon that I made for it worked perfectly and looks beautiful. The dress even accents my curves instead of squashing them into the dress and I couldn't be happier with the way it looks on me. So this is what the dress looks like now in all its glory, but I might need to re-work the sweetheart neckline since it looks thrown in instead of thought out.

So happy! 19 days left!

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